About the 幸福更有效™ Scorecard

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The 幸福更有效™ Scorecard has been re-designed so that organizations will now have two opportunities to choose from each year to complete the Scorecard – once in the Spring and once in the Fall. Our goal is to make it more convenient for your organization to complete the Scorecard by offering greater flexibility that fits your organization’s schedule and priorities.

Two opportunities to complete the Scorecard each year:

Spring Period: February 15th to April 30th
Fall Period: May 1st - October 31st

Woman presenting line graph to clapping team


Even if it's not the right time to complete the Scorecard, you can still gain valuable insights into workforce well-being.


For additional assistance, contact customer support at (电子邮件保护) or 1-800-616-7828.

Congratulations to the 2024 Recognized Organizations

These organizations have been recognized by the 美国心脏协会 for their implementation of quality workforce health and well-being programs and culture of health best practices.
  • 倡导健康
  • 顶点的好处
  • 悦榕航空公司
  • bp北美
  • 布劳沃德县政府
  • 多拉市
  • 晶洁绿色清洁
  • Higginbotham
  • 默克公司 & Co.公司.
  • 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司
  • 橙县图书馆系统
  • 皮特金县政府
  • 南方公司
  • 加州大学洛杉矶分校健康
  • 尤蒂卡国家保险集团

  • 亚历山大 & 鲍德温
  • 奥特曼健康基金会
  • Availity L.L.C.
  • 杰克逊维尔浸信会健康中心
  • BMC软件公司.
  • 孩子们的威斯康辛州
  • 市民能源集团
  • 开普珊瑚城
  • 清水之城
  • 椰子溪之城
  • 好莱坞城
  • 佛罗里达州拉戈市
  • 落基山之城
  • 堪萨斯州威奇托市
  • 巡回法院书记 & 审计,中国人民银行
  • 库克儿童医疗保健系统
  • CTI Resource Management Services公司.
  • 亚利桑那州捐助网络
  • Dr. 雷迪实验室公司.
  • 联邦房地产投资信托基金
  • Froedtert健康
  • 高点大学
  • 地平线荣誉学校
  • Husch Blackwell LLP
  • IDI复合材料国际
  • 科万尼科学公司
  • 科赫工业公司
  • 李维斯 & Co.
  • LRP传媒集团
  • MD安德森癌症中心
  • ME Global Inc ..
  • Montgomery County Public Schools (Rockville, MD)
  • 纳斯卡
  • Nicklaus Children's Health System
  • 尼尔森
  • NK零部件工业公司.
  • 总理的健康
  • 赛诺菲安万特
  • 海员公司
  • St. 伊丽莎白保健及圣. 伊丽莎白的医生
  • 追求健康
  • 布鲁克斯的公共俱乐部
  • TIAA
  • 佛罗里达大学健康中心
  • 个国际
  • 英国国王的女儿们
  • 联合银行 & 信任
  • W3保险

  • 查塔姆县
  • 可可之城
  • 森林湖之城
  • ColonialWebb
  • 多丽丝美国公司.
  • First Financial Federal Credit Union of Maryland
  • hi -英格尔斯造船公司
  • HLinc公司
  • 亨特风机公司
  • Insuramax
  • 克林斯波磨料磨具有限公司.
  • Lycoming County Insurance Consortium
  • 猞猁运输
  • MarBorg行业
  • 马丁Starnes & 律师,注册会计师,律师.A.
  • 传媒通讯有限公司.
  • Novant健康
  • 里士满 & 亨里科卫生区
  • RTI
  • 棕榈滩花园城
  • 里奇兰医院和诊所
  • 朱庇特镇
  • 沃特曼村

  • AACI
  • 艾姆斯市,爱荷华州
  • 港口街市. 露西
  • 德克萨斯州的沙瓦诺公园市
  • Labaton Keller Sucharow
  • 自由银行信托公司.
  • MercyOne Clive Rehabilitation Hospital
  • 皮马老龄问题委员会
  • 丽卡化工公司
  • 瑞克凯斯汽车集团
  • 服务专线公司
  • Seufert建设
  • 布鲁姆菲尔德镇
  • 惠灵顿村

  • Community Medical Clinic of Aiken County
  • 皇后城妇女健康中心
  • 塞德尔施罗德

Empowering Leaders To Prioritize Employee Health

成为福布斯的新焦点, AHA celebrates companies committed to the health and well-being of their workforce and shares key insights from three executives.

The 美国心脏协会 applauds the 幸福更有效 Scorecard organizations below for their commitment to building a culture of health and well-being.

Mature businessman speaking at an informal meeting
Confident and diverse warehouse employees facing forward


The Scorecard was developed in partnership with leading science and workforce well-being volunteers, and is grounded in the science of the 美国心脏协会. Employers have the option to submit employee health data in order to achieve 铂 recognition, and the AHA offers a free online health assessment tool for gathering the data, 如果需要.

The new-and-improved Scorecard has been enhanced to include evaluation of:

  • 心理健康政策
  • Organizational well-being strategies to address employee burnout
  • Strategies to promote health equity in the workforce
  • Employer support of financial health, a key element of well-being
  • Impact of volunteerism and community partnerships


Eric Ziarek, 健康计划经理, 孩子们的威斯康辛州

“The 美国心脏协会 is an important support for our employee well-being program here at 孩子们的威斯康辛州 because of the wide-ranging, trustworthy and actionable guidance they provide as it pertains to workplace health.”

Eric Ziarek

凯特·罗尔夫,总统 & 首席执行官Nascentia

“作为一家医疗保健公司, the wellness of our employees is so important, and the 美国心脏协会 gives us the tools we need to make our workplace healthier for everyone.”

总统 & 首席执行官


"The 美国心脏协会’s focus on mental well-being and work-life balance is a full-fledged light into a company’s true total wellness for its employees. In today’s environment, to be whole you have to have health and well-being: body, mind and spirit."
