25 Ways to Move More in Warmer Months

Millennial friends play on beach

With the onset of warmer weather, there are plenty of interesting ways to get exercise, #movemore 和 be more physically active without hitting the gym.

The benefits of an active lifestyle are too numerous to count.  But maybe you’re tired of the same workout routine or need a way to get motivated after an inactive start to the first half of the year.  Whether you’ve been on the treadmill all winter long or hibernating like a bear to avoid the cold, here are 25 ways to get moving while the weather is warm.

1. 园艺

If your backyard looks like a jungle, transforming it into a serene garden paradise could be a boost for your body 和 your mind.  Hauling bags of topsoil, pulling weeds 和 raking can feel invigorating as you enjoy the fresh air. 

2. 清洁

车库乱糟糟的, the closets are bursting, the front door needs painting or maybe the gutters are full of leaves.  It’s the perfect time of year to have a yard sale or to get those household repairs done before winter rolls around again.

3. Fur-kid嬉戏

Sparky 和 Fido love the warm weather as much as you do, so get moving together.  Studies show that dog owners already get more leisure exercise than the average person.  Why not kick it up a notch at the dog park for an off-leash chase?

4. 购物

You’ve been searching for that perfect lamp to complete the living room.  Forget the online searches 和 go hunting for antiques, thrifting for bargains or strolling through an outdoor market to see what you can find.

5. 获取滚动

Even if it’s been awhile since you’ve pedaled around the neighborhood, get back in the saddle.  There’s a reason they say, “It’s like riding a bike.”  Or dust off those rollerblades or skates 和 get wheelin’!

6. 通勤

If possible, leave the car at home or skip the commuter bus 和 get to work by your own power.  That’s right, human power.  Not only is it good exercise but also spares creating air pollution.

7. 运行

Keep it old school 和 move on your own two feet.  If you’ve dreamed of accomplishing a marathon, or just want to start with a 5K, now’s the time to start training with a brisk walk, then move to a light jog down a local path.  Start small to add this beneficial activity to your life.

8. 游泳

你当地的海滩, lake or pool offers the perfect place for some low-impact exercise, which is correlated to lower mortality rates.  Dive in 和 get splashing!

9. 划船

If you don’t want to get in the water, consider getting on it.  Try kayaking on a lake or white-water rafting down a river.  Or, if it’s serenity you seek instead of adventure, paddle out to a peaceful cove 和 do a little fishing.

10. 攀岩

安全第一, but if you know how to climb or have an instructor who can help, rock climbing is an invigorating way to turn the outdoors into your own gym.  Cliffs 和 mountaintops become your weight machines 和 pull-up bars.

11. 徒步旅行

The wildflowers are blooming, 和 the birds are chirping.  Get out in nature, hike around local paths, parks 和 trails to enjoy it.  Go bird watching, seek out local species of plants 和 keep a keen eye open for animals.  Bring a journal to write down what you see. 

12. 在大自然中做瑜伽

Grab a towel or mat, find a small open space in a park 和 do yoga.  Look for outdoor yoga classes or groups in your area. 

13. 生产挑选

Walk around a Farmer's Market 和 choose some seasonal fresh produce.  Or go fruit picking at a local farm to get it right from the source.

14. 在城里闲逛

Check out local events that will get you out 和 about.  Look for music festivals that will get you dancing 和 county fairs where a solid throwing arm could win you a prize.

15. 参加社团

Find out if your town or city offers organized sports, such as softball or flag football leagues.  You might just unleash your inner athlete 和 take home a trophy.

16. 参加一天的活动

Organize a neighborhood event at a nearby park that will get you 和 your neighbors moving more 和 socially connected.  Bring horseshoes, badminton, volleyball, cornhole or other backyard activities.  Create teams 和 let the games begin!

17. 独自生活

你是内向的人吗?  尝试一项单独的运动, 比如射箭, which focuses the mind 和 is a lot more work for the body than you might realize.   Also try paddleboarding, horseback riding, body surfing or wind surfing to get moving on your own.

18. 跳伞

For the super adventurous thrill-seeker, there’s the ultimate rush from skydiving.  It can strengthen back muscles 和 improves flexibility, so there’s a lot more to it than just falling.

19. 玩玩具

For the techies, there are plenty of ways to get outside with their toys.  Venture out to an open meadow 和 fly an electronic drone or remote-controlled helicopter.  Look for a local league to meet others with similar interest.

20. 耽于幻想

When the warm weather stretches into the night, it’s time to look up to the stars.  Hike up to the top of a hill, lie on a blanket in an open field or on the beach 和 turn it into your own planetarium.  Better yet, make an event out of the Perseid meteor shower that usually occurs in July 和 August.

21. 寻宝游戏

Get ahold of a metal detector to see what might be buried in your own front yard.  Or get an app 和 try geocaching, where you use GPS directions to find surprises 和 fun treasures that others have hidden in your neighborhood.

22. Larping

Do you like playing video games?  如果是这样的话, try larping (live action role-playing), a character-driven type of gameplay that is conducted in the physical world.  Look for a local group where you can trade in those imaginary weapons 和 spells for foam swords 和 beanbag fireballs to bring the action into the real world.

23. 帕洛格

If you love the outdoors for its beautiful scenery 和 fresh air, 你可能喜欢埋头苦干, a Swedish term that refers to picking up litter as you explore the outdoors.  Think beach cleanup but done anytime you’re out.

24. 森林浴”

If you really want to immerse yourself in nature, try forest bathing.  No, you don’t soak in a tub among the trees.  Instead, you me和er through the forest, 和 get in touch with the outdoors.  The experience of immersing yourself in a forest has been shown to improve immunity 和 mood.  Use your phone camera or a sketch pad to capture what you see.

25. 放风筝

Look for an open field or park area where you can safely 和 easily walk around 和 fly a kite.

Which of these activities appeals to you?  Choose one 和 commit to doing it this weekend.  And choose another the weekend after that 和 so on.  Just get moving so you can be healthy for good.