How to Make a Hearty Healthy Salad


When we hear “salad,” some people think lettuce tossed with a few vegetables. But salad can be so much more! In fact, it can easily become an inexpensive main meal with just a few more ingredients.

Some building blocks to make a delicious 和 filling salad include:  

  • 绿色- - - - - - Look for dark, leafy lettuces, such as romaine, spinach or arugula. If you have access to fresh herbs, 比如罗勒, 百里香, 牛至或薄荷, they add zest 和 extra nutrients to your salad bowl.

  • 蛋白质- - - - - - Add more satisfaction to your salad with skinless poultry or fish with omega-3 fatty acids, 比如三文鱼, 鳟鱼和鲱鱼. Mix in a chopped hard-boiled egg or a small amount cheese (choose lower-fat, lower-sodium cheeses). 放入一罐鹰嘴豆, 肾脏, navy or black beans (choose low-sodium or no-salt-added 和 drain 和 rinse thoroughly). 无盐坚果, 比如花生, 杏仁和核桃, give your salad extra crunch 和 a dose of healthy fat.
  • 水果- - - - - - Slice up fresh fruit that is in season or on sale – choose a rainbow of colors! If you are using fruit canned in juice or frozen, choose ones with no added sugars 和 thoroughly drain 和 pat dry so your leafy greens don’t get soggy. Dried fruits without added sugars are another super salad ingredient.

  • 〇多吃蔬菜 Raw vegetables, such as carrots, cucumbers, broccoli 和 cauliflower, add great crunch 和 color. 烤蔬菜, 比如甜菜, 土豆或南瓜, add terrific flavor 和 a little bit of sweetness to any main meal salad.

  • 谷物, Warm or cold whole grains can add bulk 和 satisfaction. Try whole wheat couscous, barley, quinoa, bulgur, sorghum or wild rice. To save money, look for whole grains in the bulk aisle of your grocery store. Whole-wheat pastas are also an inexpensive way to bulk up any basic salad.

  • 酱, With oil, vinegar 和 spices in your pantry, you are minutes away from a simple homemade vinaigrette. Jazz it up with tasty ingredients: 
    • 切碎的新鲜香草
    • Diced veggies with lots of flavor (onions, garlic or scallions)
    • A squeeze of citrus juice (orange, lemon or lime)

Experiment by adding small amounts of those add-ins to the following vinaigrette recipe, 边走边品尝.


Whisk together ¼ cup olive oil or canola oil, ¼ cup balsamic vinegar 和 ¼ teaspoon ground mustard. Add a dash or two of black pepper 和 toss into a salad for four or more people.

试试这些 沙拉的食谱.

Garden Vegetable Stir-Fried Sorghum
Mango, Avocado, 和 Black Bean Salad





